Improving Your Sleep

Improving Your Sleep

By improving your sleep, you are improving your overall health. For those who struggle getting a goodnight’s rest there is hope. Although you may not be able to control every factor that impacts your sleep, there are many factors that you can control. By recognizing and implementing these steps into your routine, you are on your way to getting quality sleep.

The following tips are evidence backed ways found to improve your sleep.

Stick to a Schedule

Try your best to maintain consistent times for when you wakeup and go to sleep. Limiting the difference in your sleep schedule between weekdays and weekends can help reinforce your body’s sleep cycle. In addition, the CDC suggests adults try to get at least seven hours of sleep per night. Because of this, we suggest that you make sure your new sleep schedule allows you this much time to sleep or more.

Create a Relaxing Environment

Make sure that your room is ideal for sleeping. This can mean keeping the temperature to your liking, limiting light exposure, and maintaining a quiet environment. To better reach these goals, you may consider turning on a fan while you sleep or using earplugs. Use trial and error to find what kind of environment allows you to relax and get a goodnight’s sleep.

Limit Naps

Naps, especially long ones, can interfere with nighttime sleep. Try to avoid taking naps during the day. If you really need to rest, try to keep the nap short and not too late in the day.

GEt Physical

Physical activity during the day can help you sleep better at night. It is best to exercise earlier in the day rather than in the evening. Discover what activities you are capable of and enjoy. Even in small amounts, getting active can help improve your sleep.

Be Mindful of What you Eat and Drink

Trying to avoid or limit your caffeine and alcohol intake can help you sleep better. Also we suggest avoiding heavy meals that leave you feeling too full. If you are feeling discomfort from overeating this can make it hard to fall asleep, so it is best to avoid that.

Take Time to Relax

Stress and worries can make it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep. Try to set aside these worries before bedtime. Take time to relax by reading a book, taking a bath, or engaging in any other activity that brings you peace of mind.

contact Your Doctor

Sleep is a vital aspect of maintaining overall health. If you continue to struggle falling asleep or staying asleep, we recommend contacting your healthcare provider. They can help you create a personalized plan to better your sleep.

Learn More

For more information about improving your sleep we recommend speaking with your healthcare provider.

To read more, the following resources are suggested:

Mayo Clinic: