Improving Self-Esteem

Improving Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is the opinion we have of ourselves. By improving your self-esteem, you will likely feel more positive about not only yourself, but life in general. Having a positive outlook helps one deal with life’s ups and downs. The are a number of ways that you can improve your self-esteem. The following list consists of five suggestions to help you on your journey.

Become Aware

Certain situations might trigger feelings of low self-esteem or worth. Make note of when you encounter these feelings, as you might find a pattern of what is causing them. Increased awareness of what may lower your self-esteem can help you avoid these situations. 


Challenge Negative Thoughts

It can be easy to initially see the negative in things, but we encourage you to challenge that way of thinking. Being too hard on yourself will likely lower your self-esteem, so it is important to challenge those thoughts.

Recognize Your Accomplishments

Take time to recognize your accomplishments or wins throughout the day. Allowing yourself to feel these victories can help improve your overall self-esteem.

Provide Self-Encouragement

By encouraging yourself, you are shifting your focus to a more positive way of thinking. Remain hopeful of yourself, and try to focus on your strengths and positive attributes.


Find Support From Friends, Family, Or HEalthcare Professional

It’s okay to need help with improving your self-esteem. Friends and family can often help you see the good in yourself. In addition, a healthcare professional can help you work towards high self-esteem.