My Meds Aren’t Working

If you are currently on medication, DON’T stop or change your medications on your own  Making an appointment with a certified Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner is a safe place to begin any lifestyle changes.

 Every med has side effects and withdrawal symptoms.  They range from uncomfortable to dangerous.  If you are feeling that  your medication is not working or making you feel worse, you need to see your provider. 


Nurse Practitioners have been trained to help you manage medications and explore other areas of your life that may be making your medications less effective.  Talking to an NP may reveal causes of your anxiety or depression that have not yet been discovered. 

Find a provider who is ready to listen and help with your circumstances.


My Anxiety is Getting Worse

Another reason to see a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner is related to life stressors.  There are many factors that make life difficult in normal circumstances.  With all of the challenges of living in the world of COVID 19, things can seem overwhelming.  Focusing on the problems may come naturally.  Anxiety and fear can begin to affect or moods and even physical health.  A Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner can help you develop coping skills and lifestyle changes that may help you through these times.  Learning that you can develop skills within yourself to do more than just make it is empowering.  An NP or qualified therapist can work with you to find and use new ways to cope. 

Find a provider to help you build tools to navigate life.


I’m Not Sleeping

Medication problems, fears, anxiety and other related issues can rob us of our sleep.  As mentioned in our previous article, Sleep is Vital, physical and mental health requires restful sleep.  Because Nurse Practitioners understand the mind-body connection to wellness, they can help you explore ways to help get better sleep. 


Don’t wait until you are miserable from lack of sleep before contacting  a Nurse Practitioner or Therapist.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with a therapist or NP at

NW Mind-Body Wellness,

Click here.

Sleep is Vital

Describing how sleep is vital for mental health, Matthew Walker writes “Scientists have discovered a revolutionary new treatment that makes you live longer. It enhances your memory, makes you more attractive. It keeps you slim and lowers food cravings. It protects you from cancer and dementia. It wards off colds and flu. It lowers your risk of heart attacks and stroke, not to mention diabetes. You’ll even feel happier, less depressed, and less anxious. Are you interested?” This quote is from his book “Why We Sleep”. The new treatment is sleep. Good sleep. Restorative sleep.

Walker states “Routinely sleeping less than six or seven hours a night demolishes your immune system, more than doubling your risk of cancer. Sleep disruption further contributes to all major psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety, and suicide.”


Sleep is too often neglected

We overlook and under appreciate sleep in our 24/7 world. We tend to pin badges on those type A personalities who are non-stop dynamos of productivity. But not without a price. Lack of sleep contributes to so many health and mental problems, it should be a top priority in developing a treatment plan.  Dr.Walker also points out that traditional sleeping pills can keep you from the deep healing sleep stage. As a result, it perpetuates the sleep problem.

Right now, get as much sleep as you can without changing any medications. Sleep is vital. So is conferring with your provider if you are on medications. Never stop a medication on your own and always let your provider know if you are encountering sleep problems or other side effects. In addition, do not add any herbal or natural sleep aids if you are medication. It is possible to get more sleep, but it needs to be carefully supervised to keep you safe.

No supplement, should be used without clearance from your physician or healthcare provider. This article is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis.