Look on the Brightside Day

Look on the Brightside Day

Look on the Brightside Day is a celebration recognized on each winter solstice, which is the shortest day of the year. The day is intended to encourage positivity and optimism. It is normal to be feeling a bit down around this time of the year. The shorter days, cold weather, and added stress of the holidays can take a toll on many. However, Look on the Brightside Day aims to help people combat negative feelings and instead shift their focus to the positives in life. 

Ways to Look on the Brightside

The following list consists of ways to help you look on the bright side of life.

  • Practice gratitude as often as you can. Recognizing what you are grateful for, and sharing your thankfulness with others, can help bring positivity to your life and others.
  • Avoid negative people or influences as much as you can. Although there are negative encounters that may be unavoidable, we encourage you to avoid the situations as much as possible. Being around negative energy can make you feel the same way, so we find it best to surround yourself with positivity when possible.
  • Take a deep breath and allow yourself to become grounded. It is easy to be quick to react and respond to situations, especially when they bring about negative feelings. When you give yourself a moment to breathe, you can help clear your mind and develop a more positive outlook.
  • Separate facts from emotions when needed. Although it is important to be aware of your emotions and feelings, you should not let your emotions rule your life. Being able to take a step back from a situation and look at the facts can allow you to be more objective without letting your emotions get the best of you.
  • Reframe the situation and how you think about it. It may take time to develop this skill, but with time you can train yourself to be able to put a different light on situations. Being able to reframe something can allow you to see the situation differently and ideally allow you to find more positivity in it.
  • Focus on the positive in your life whether big or small. Life will throw many curve balls and tough situations at you, but it is important to try your best to have positivity to fall back on. Creating a list of things in your life that make you happy can serve as a great way to bring positivity back to you after facing challenges.


Learn More

Looking on the bright side may be challenging at times, but having optimism can lead to you living a happier and more fulfilled life. To learn more about how you can find positivity in life, we recommend speaking with your health care provider.