Listening to Your Body

LIStening to Your Body

Listening to your body can help provide you vital information about what your body needs. Both physical and emotional signals can offer insight as to how to keep our bodies healthy. These signals may not always seem clear, but with practice you can learn how to better listen to your body.


Emotional and Physical Signals

It is important to begin to recognize the signals your body gives you and what they indicate in terms of your health.

Signs can be emotional, meaning you may be feeling “sluggish” or fatigued. These signals could be your body telling you that you aren’t getting enough rest or nutrients. They also could be warning signs of a mental health issue. 

Signs can also be physical, such as pain. Pain may be an indicator that your muscles are strained or that it is time to seek medical assistance for a more serious problem. Physical symptoms can also include you feeling tense and like your heart is beating fast, which could possibly point to you experiencing stress or anxiety.


Taking Action

Recognizing these signs will allow you to think about what may cause them and how to create the necessary change. Learning to better recognize and manage symptoms can be beneficial, but it is also important to speak with your healthcare provider about distressing emotional or physical symptoms you may be experiencing. Consider making a list of what your body is feeling, and what it might be a reaction to, and share these things with your provider.


Resources and Finding Treatment