Earth Day: Connections Between Nature and Health

This Earth Day, we encourage you to learn about the connections between nature and health. For many, spending time outside can be healing and serve as a form of stress relief. The health benefits of nature are backed by numerous studies, including one by the European Centre for Environment and Human Health. In this study, the over 20,000 participants spent two hours outside weekly. The vast majority experienced improvements in their psychological wellbeing, as well as physical benefits. The leader of the study, Mathew White, analyzed the results and claimed in his findings that, “nature is not only nice to have, but it’s a have-to-have for physical health and cognitive function.” Although the benefits of spending time in nature may vary, there is substantial evidence backing up the positive effects that time outside can have on one’s health.

There are many ways that you can make the most of your time spent outdoors. The following consists of our recommendations to help you better your health by spending time in nature.   


Observe with all of Your Senses

Nature often provides beautiful scenery to look at, but the outdoors can also be enjoyed through your other senses. Take time to experience nature and soak it in.


Go on a Hike

Hiking doesn’t have to be rigorous. There is an endless number of hiking trails, many suited to beginners. Hiking can help improve your fitness and also benefit your mental health.


Spend Time With Others

Spend time with friends or family outdoors. Not only will you receive health benefits from the outside, but human connection is also vital to our wellbeing.


Discover a New Hobby

Finding an outdoors hobby that you enjoy can serve as great motivation to get out. Whether you may enjoy kayaking, gardening, bird watching, or anything else, all provide an opportunity to do something you love and experience the benefits of nature.

Additionally, try combining an existing hobby with the outdoors. Whether you enjoy reading, drawing, or anything else, try engaging in that activity outside.


Ground Yourself

Many find that spending time in nature can be grounding. Take advantage of the tranquility that the environment provides, and use the opportunity to balance yourself.


Find What Works for You

Everyone’s wants and needs vary, so it is important to find what works for you. There are endless ways to enjoy nature. Take the time and experiment to find out what is best for you.

Learn More

There are many resources available to help you learn about the benefits of nature, and how you can receive them. The following list contains resources that we recommend.