Taking Time For Yourself

Taking Time for Yourself

Taking time for yourself can be challenging, especially when trying to juggle work, school, relationships, and/or other day-to-day activities. The time spent on taking care of yourself is valuable though, and can offer you a chance to recharge, and in turn be more productive. It is not selfish to take time to focus on yourself and your own needs, but rather beneficial to your overall happiness and health.

The following list consists of tips on how to take time for yourself.

Focus on the Basics

People often overlook even the simplest forms of selfcare. With a busy schedule and list of responsibilities, we can neglect to take care of our most basic mental and physical health needs. Learning what needs of your own you may be overlooking is a great place to start.


Discover What Makes You Happy

Although it may seem simple, think about what brings a smile to your face. Everyone has different hobbies and activities that make them happy, and it is important to discover yours. Knowing what makes you happy can open many doors to taking time for yourself.


Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness can allow you to make the most out of the time you take for yourself. Mindfulness can mean many different things, but at its core, it is the concept of being fully present and aware.

Set Goals

Goals can serve as a way to prioritize your wants and needs. Starting off by setting small goals can allow you to get started and not feel overwhelmed. As you reach your goals, be sure to acknowledge your personal success.

Set Boundaries

It can be very beneficial to set boundaries within your relationships. These boundaries can allow you to not feel strained or overwhelmed due to obligations to others. Although setting these boundaries may seem daunting, it is worth it to protect the time you need for yourself and your health.


Find Support

You may still be struggling to take time for yourself, and that is okay. We suggest speaking with your healthcare provider for additional tips and information regarding your mental and physical health.